Celebrate Halloween the Montpelier Way!

October 23, 2023

Celebrate Halloween the Montpelier Way! This year downtown celebrates Halloween with something for everyone, from trick or treating to karaoke. 


Trick or treating from 4:00 - 5:00 pm starts off the evening for the youngest crowd, followed by a Halloween costume parade and jamboree (including costumed pets) with a special guest! Parade meets up at 5:00 pm, at the corner of State and Elm (Filibuster Cafe corner), and goes around the block, ending on Langdon Street Bridge. The bridge will be lined with carved pumpkins - vote for your favorite one at Bent Nails Bistro. 


After the Parade, Zombies take over Langdon Street, starting at 5:30, with the annual Thriller dance, including Halloween-themed dance parties between shows. Thriller dance numbers start at 5:30 and run every 30 minutes, last dance at 7:00 pm. Throughout the evening, Hungry? Woodbelly Pizza will be selling pizza slices in the old Onion River Outdoors parking lot. 


The Montpelier Food Pantry, Just Basics, hosts its 1st Annual Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat from 5:00 - 8:00 pm at 89 Main Street (entrance on East State Street). Stop by for trick or treating, cider, and a photo booth. Bring a donation to the pantry and you'll receive a raffle ticket for prizes from local businesses. 


Start celebrating early with downtown Halloween events for all ages, beginning on October 27th: a pumpkin carving contest at Bent Nails Bistro, spooky tales with Tim Jennings at Kellogg Hubbard Library (ages 12 and up), horror night at Bear Pond Books (ages 14 and up), a Halloween Party with the Nailers at Bent Nails Bistro, and Halloween karaoke at Charlio’s World Famous. Get details on all downtown Halloween events from October 27th through the 31st at https://montpelieralive.com/halloween


To support businesses recovering from the flood, consider making a candy donation to disburse to downtown recovering businesses to provide enough treats for all. Bring a bag(s) to the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall by Friday October 28th at 4pm. 


For more information, visit https://montpelieralive.com/halloween

Montpelier Alive
