Member Highlight: Deborah Glottmann of The Mitzvah Fund

May 07, 2024


What is the Mitzvah Fund and how did it get started?

The Mitzvah Fund is a small veterinary non profit. We provide non emergency routine, surgical and dental veterinary care for the animals of low income seniors, low income veterans, unhoused neighbors, and disabled first responders.  


The Mitzvah fund started in 2006. Our co- founders dad used to ask every night at dinner what mitzvahs did you do today. He was an immigrant and very serious about giving back to his community and deeply instilled that mission into all three of his kids. Upon his passing in 2005, the Saul Glottmann Memorial Mitzvah Fund was started. Over the years and many forms and applications later the name was simplified. We became a 501 C3 in 2012 and have expanded exponentially since February of 2022 when we were able to acquire a mobile veterinary surgical unit (lovingly known as Baby Huey.)


We absolutely love what we do and have a small but incredibly dedicated group of professionals and volunteers that go above and beyond every day. 


We especially love caring for seniors with senior animals. Their deep connection and dedication to each other helps comprise their pets team for successful treatment. We collaborate with Central VT Council on Aging and Meals on Wheels and provide clinics throughout CVCOA’s region. These clinics yield a significant percentage of our surgical and dentistry patients. 


The Mitzvah Fund is solely funded by private donations and grants. Since the July 2023 floods we have increased the services to our unhoused neighbors by six times. It has increased our case load by 36%. We could have never foreseen this incredible increase in need. Our qualifying applicants are in desperate need and their four legged family members are sometimes the only consistent source of love and support. 


We have learned how imperative it is to work closely with our community partners like Montpelier Alive, Good Samaritan Haven, Another Way, CVCOA, Guys Farm & Yard and so many others. We strive everyday to collaborate in our communities sandbox of care and dedication to our neighbors in need. 

Photo from Deb Glottmann, she's the driver, Maxine Leary the passenger!


Montpelier Alive
