Special Thanks to Botanica Florals

June 10, 2024

Botanica Florals is a highly-regarded local retail florist that sources flowers from local growers along with hand-picked selections from around the world. With the goal of enhancing connection in the community for special occasions, Botanica Florals allows its customers to express sentiments through the sharing of beauty and nature. 

Last winter, Botanica Florals greatly supported Montpelier Alive by contributing to the downtown’s lighting, holiday lights and decor. They have been instrumental in securing and ordering flowers! The project was funded in part by an Enhancement grant that Botanica Florals received from the Backing Small Businesses program presented by AmericanExpress, in partnership with Main Street America. Along with Botanica’s support, volunteers Didi Brush and Linn Syz assisted Montpelier Alive in expanding the downtown flowers to the Main Street bridge - the gateway to downtown! 

Thank you Botanica Florals and all the community volunteers for bringing color and vibrancy to Montpelier!

By: Sheena Khan, Montpelier Alive Marketing & Communications


Montpelier Alive
