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Montpelier Business Association
The Montpelier Business Association (MBA) is a membership group of Montpelier Alive that acts as a support network and united voice for small downtown businesses. The group meets regularly to coordinate promotions, networking, and events, and discuss important topics that collectively impact downtown small businesses.
The MBA meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8:30 am at City Hall. The MBA meetings are open to all Montpelier Alive members and to invited guests. Please contact Executive Director, [email protected] if you would like to attend.
In addition to the following MBA events, which bring people to downtown Montpelier to shop, explore and enjoy our unique little town, Montpelier Alive offers a complete list of benefits to business Members. These focus mainly on promotion assistance and networking opportunities. All Memberships help support the many things Montpelier Alive does for the downtown - including streetscape projects, liveability work, holiday decorations, downtown flowers, and more...We are grateful for the community engagement and support!
To become a Member, visit this link to our Membership page: https://www.montpelieralive.com/membership
Annual MBA Events:
Cabin Fever Sale/Wellness Weekend (March)
Discounts at stores and wellness businesses downtown. Any business can participate by creatively integrating their promotion into the theme of the weekend, 'Wellness' and 'Cabin Fever'.
Montpelier Mayfest
First weekend in May; there are many events that Montpelier Alive promotes as a fun-filled weekend.
Moonlight Magic
Usually the third Friday in October, stores stay open late and host sales from 5-9 pm as street performers perform downtown.
Flannel Friday
Montpelier's cozy version of Black Friday. Shoppers wearing flannel receive gifts from the "Flannel Fairy" as they shop, in addition to enjoying sales at businesses.
Small Business Saturday
This happens the day after Flannel Friday. Montpelier Alive promotes shopping local over the holidays.
Branding Presentation and Market Study (PowerPoint)
Merchant Letter
Capital City Farmers Market Study
** There are many other events and festivals that take place in Montpelier. Please visit the Events and Festivals page and events calendar for more information.