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Today in Montpelier

Creative Aging Takes the Stage at June's Art Walk

May 25, 2022

“Creative aging is an important component of healthy aging, empowering older adults to reflect on life experiences through artistic skills and share their imaginations and ideas with friends, family, and the community" Central Vermont Council on Aging is hosting a celebration of creative aging on Friday, June 3rd from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Beautiful Montpelier: A Conversation with Linn Syz about Downtown Flowers

May 19, 2022

We recently sat down with Linn Syz, former board member at Montpelier Alive, to discuss her efforts to keep Montpelier’s downtown streets beautiful and full of colorful flowers. Linn has volunteered for years to maintain and expand the plantings across Montpelier. Her efforts are key part of Montpelier Alive’s broader commitment to downtown beautification, including holiday decorations, the procurement of benches and trash cans, public art, and more. We asked Linn about the history and the behind-the-scenes efforts that go into the downtown flowers.

Summer Events in Central Vermont

May 11, 2022

Some would say that summer is the best season in Vermont. Even though we can make the case for every season, it's hard to argue with gorgeous weather (escape the humidity and visit our magical land where the average high in July is just 83!), long summer evenings, front porch living, and dips in the swimming hole. But summer in Vermont also means fun, festive, and unique events throughout central Vermont!

Green Up Day: Making Montpelier Sparkle!

May 06, 2022

Each spring, after the last snowfall, when the smallest patch of snow melts from the shadiest corner of the lawn, we begin the process of cleaning up the yard. Somehow, everything from a toy truck, to gardening tools, and even a half filled can of beer, begin to appear randomly scattered across the brown patchy grass. We can’t quite recall how it got there, and why we forgot to pick them up last fall, but nevertheless, it isn’t pretty! By May, the work weekends begin and the grass turns greener. After Green Up Day, on May 7th, our lawn as well as everyone else’s in Vermont, begins to sparkle!